The Hotel plays two roles as a representation of the history of this area and in its interpretation of this history to Guests and Visitors alike.

To enhance these roles The Hotel and its Owners are active members of several professional associations.

The Hotel is an Institutional Member of The American Association of State and Local History. For more than 70 years, AASLH has provided leadership and support for its members who preserve and interpret state and local history in order to make the past more meaningful to all Americans. The more authentic we can make the Hotel and its operation, the better we can bring our Guests and Visitors an authentic, interesting, comfortable, and stimulating visit.

The Owners are Members of The National Trust for Historic Preservation. The National Trust for Historic Preservation ... works to save America's historic places. We are the cause that inspires Americans to save the places where history happened. The National Trust provides access to valuable resources to keep The Hotel as a National Register of Historic Places Property intact as a valued representation of our local history.

The Owners are Members of The Professional Association of Innkeepers. Managing and operating a Bed & Breakfast to provide guests with stays that are rewarding and memorable is a multifaceted challenge requiring many skills. PAII was established to provide Innkeepers with these skills.


The Hotel is an Institutional Member of The Colorado Hotel and Lodging Association. This Association is the only state trade association that educates and advocates for every segment of the lodging industry.... Together CHLA and PAII bring the Owners the best in industry best practices related to Guest safety and comfort.


The Hotel is an Institutional Member of the Boulder (Colorado) Chamber of Commercean association dedicated to marshaling the resources of the business community to establish the foundation for continued economic opportunity and prosperity. The continued economic health of this or any Community is essential in supporting the needs of Residents and Visitors alike.